🎧🎙️ Sales Engineering Compensation & Workload Report – Interview with Garin Hess
We summarized the Consensus Salaries and Workload report in the previous episode #58.
But now as part two of this mini-series we got the chance to speak to Garin Hess, CEO and founder of Consensus about some of the details. Together with John Cook from Marketing we uncover their interpretations of the reports results. Some of the things we talk about include:
– The value of demo automation and the need for demos early in the sales cycle
– Accountability of PreSales to revenue with an individual quota
– The ideal PreSales compensation model
– The opportunity cost of unqualified demos and the impact to PreSales KPIs
2021 Report: https://bit.ly/34WpHti
Consensus: https://www.goconsensus.com/
Garin on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/2TaYLDi
John on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3pFEJgE
Disclaimer: Please excuse the sound quality. This was the first time with four people on the show. We are still in the process of optimizing our audio setup.
👍 We wish you a lot of fun & inspiration while listening to our podcast.
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